About Us
Creating inspiring educational opportunities for every student in the Culver City Unified School District.
For more than 40 years, the Culver City Education Foundation (CCEF) has brought the community together to enhance the educational experience so that every student from TK-12, at every school in the Culver City Unified School District (CCUSD), can reach academic success. CCEF strategically supports district-wide endeavors and funds programs engaging nearly 7,000 students and educators each year. CCEF strives to foster cooperation and collaboration among all district organizations. Through such efforts, CCEF has garnered the dedicated support of current and former Culver City residents, parents and parent leaders at each school, local businesses and major corporations, foundations, civic leaders and the leadership of CCUSD. Collectively we raise awareness and financial support for highly-valued educational programs and teaching innovations that would not be possible through government funding alone.

Our Story
The mission of CCEF is to raise funds to support and enhance a quality education for every student in the Culver City Unified School District (CCUSD).
CCEF was established in 1981 by a group of parents concerned with the funding challenges, particularly arts education funding, in the Culver City Unified School District (CCUSD). CCEF has now grown into a well-respected organization with a staff of three that is led by a committed board of 15 parents, business owners, residents, educators and leaders within our community. In addition to contributions from hundreds of individuals, we also steward partnership with major businesses and foundations to maximize investment in our schools. CCEF’s objectives are to fund priority projects that strengthen teaching and learning for CCUSD teachers and students. Priorities are established via regular coordination between the Superintendent and key senior leadership as well as the CCEF Executive Director and Board President. Since its inception, CCEF has raised millions of dollars to support Culver City students, teachers, schools and families, and to provide meaningful in-school and after-school programs and resources.
CCUSD is one of the most culturally and economically diverse districts in the country, recently named the most diverse in Los Angeles County according to Niche.com with our student population encompassing 37% Hispanic, 25% White, 11% African American/Black, 11% Asian, 13% two or more races. In 2022 our district had a total enrollment of 6,826 students, 26.8% were economically disadvantaged, 10% were English learners and 10% were students with disabilities. The school facilities are comprised of five elementary schools, a middle school, a high school, an iAcademy and a continuation high school. With such a distinct community, we have diverse needs and programs funded by CCEF reaches all students in grades TK-12 and ranges from topics such as visual and performing arts, college preparation and access, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), and student wellness and success.
The Culver City Education Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation. Donations are tax-deductible as provided in section 170 of the internal revenue code.
Tax ID number 95-3641300