Bright Futures Society

Make a planned gift that leaves a legacy ensuring an inspiring future for Culver City students

There are many ways you can make a future gift to CCEF that will significantly impact thousands of lives for years to come.

The easiest way to provide a planned gift to support generations of Culver City students is to include a donation to CCEF in your will or living trust. You can do this by either drafting a new trust or will, or by amending your trust or adding a codicil to an existing will.

Joining CCEF’s Bright Futures Society will honor your values and inspire others to follow your exemplary lead in fostering a brighter, more promising future for Culver City youth and our community.

Through a bequest, you can make a substantial gift to CCEF, without depleting current assets.
You can choose to designate your gift to support educational programs or an endowment fund.

Other common ways to make a gift include

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    Gifts of Stocks or Bonds

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    Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT)

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    Charitable Lead Trust (CLT)

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    Qualified Retirement Plan

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    Life Insurance

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    Life Estate

For help making a planned gift or if you have already made a bequest or named CCEF in your planned giving,